Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 26

Buenos Dias Mis Seres Queridos,
Oh what a crazy week it has been! I was so busy! First, on Tuesday I had to take Hermana Blanco to the mission office so she could go die (haha) and then I had to go get my new companion. It was sad saying goodbye to Blanco but at the same time I was pretty excited to meet Hermana Lillywhite. She is way cool! I really like her and we pretty much just laugh all day, except when we are teaching, then we have to be semi-serious. She is from Utah and graduated with a degree in literature before her mission. She is an author and writes stories, and as some of you may know, I LOVE to read stories! So, we are like the perfect companionship because when I am bored I just ask her to tell me a story, and she does, and then we are both super content haha. She has some really good stories and she also informed me that I am such an interesting character, with so much drama surrounding me, that she has decided to write a book after her mission after what my life will be like once I return home from my mission. Can you say, Dream come true? I am so excited to read the book about my future haha. She goes home from her mission on July 28th, and I am hoping I get to kill her off and stay in Fairbanks until then, but it is very unlikely because if I stay here until then, I will automatically stay another transfer to avoid having to be white-washed, meaning that I will have been in my first area for 6 transfers, which is not unheard of, but is rare at the same time. Hermana Lillywhite is predicting that I stay in Fairbanks, kill her off in July and then train the transfer after she leaves. I would love to train, so I hope I am ready by then, and I also would looooove to stay in this area because it is hoppin' with amazing investigators and people wanting to be baptized, woot woot.
In other news, remember when I mentioned a long time ago about a reporter for the Houston Chronicle going to our Zone Conference and asking us all manner of questions? Well, the article was published this friday and it actually turned out WAY good! She represented the church and what we do as missionaries, VERY WELL, and no false doctrine or crazy rumors were put on there. We were all so excited about the article turning out so well, but I have but one complaint: She quoted me. As previously mentioned I did NOT want to be quoted in this article and had planned on not opening my mouth during the interview with her unless prompted by the spirit to say something. Well, as you can guess, I was prompted, and I said something, and she quoted it. I don't really like how that particular part turned out, but whatevs, the rest of the article is SO good. If you would like to read it just click here but be careful and don't read all of the nasty, anti-mormon hater-ation that is displayed below the article :)
This week was Elder Kerr's birthday, and we had the pleasure of celebrating his birthday the way they do in Honduras: Throw eggs at the Birthday Boy! Oh man it was so fun! Elder Kerr stood outside while they cracked eggs over his head, but I was not about to get egg on my hands so I told him to just stand there while I chucked one right at his stomach. I didn't think I threw it THAT hard, but apparently I hurt him just an intsy winsty little bit haha. He is such a good sport and just said "ow" and laughed about it. I don't have the pictures on my camera but as soon as I do get a hold of some of them I will be sure to send them.
Another short funny story: We were teaching this young woman, Asalia, and while I was saying the opening prayer before the lesson, her 2 year old son became very intrigued with my blue tights I had on and decided to run his hands all over my legs, which sent me into a fit of laughter. I was able to finish the prayer almost without chuckling, but as soon as I finished I just started laughing sooo hard and everyone was really confused about what was wrong with me. After I explained what happened everyone laughed and Hermana Lillywhite and I decided that we should not wear colored tights to Asalia's house anymore.
I got to call home yesterday and it was so nice to talk to my parents and my sister! I love them so much and had so much fun talking to them. It is weird to think that next time I call them it will be Christmas! Time is going by SO fast and I do not like it one bit! 6 months just came and went like nobody's business! AH!
Ok, last short story: We watched the Testaments with the Arzate family last week and they LOVED it. They tried to buy it from us haha, but we said we would just get them a copy for free as a present. They all loved the end the most and when Natalia, the mother, said the prayer before we left, she thanked Heavenly Father for sending the missionaries and for the opportunity they had to watch this movie about things that truly happened. I repeat, "things that truly happened". They have been coming to church consistently but haven't felt ready yet to set a baptism date, but I feel like they are so close! They are doing so well, and are just growing and becoming more unified as a family as they attend church and study the scriptures together. The day they are baptized will be one of the best days of my mission, similar to the day the Patino's were baptized. Oh the Patino's, I love them so much. We went to their new place for dinner saturday night (the zone leaders went and took us so that it was totally legal) and I had so much fun with them. They want us to come over every other saturday and have dinner and play a game, and I definitely am not objecting :)
Well, that's enough for this week, I love being a missionary and have never been so happy! I know this church is the true church of Christ restored upon the earth and that Jesus Christ leads and guides this church through a living, modern day prophet, Thomas S. Monson. I loveeeee the Book of Mormon and know without a doubt that it contains the word of God and that the events which take place in the Book of Mormon truly took place here on the American continent. There is no greater joy than that which comes as I share this message with the people of Houston. :)

Con Amor y Paz
Hermana Taets

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