Monday, June 14, 2010

Week 32

Hola Mis Seres Queridos

I AM HAVING A BABY!!!!!! Translation from missionary-speak: I AM TRAINING!!!!! I got the call Saturday morning that Hermana Lillywhite and I are going to trio-train one of the two new spanish sister missionaries. I am so excited! I am also very grateful that for my first time training I won't be alone and will have the guidance of an older, experienced missionary. We talked a lot about fun things to do to her so that she realizes that you are allowed to have fun on your mission...because some missionaries think it is a sin to enjoy your life on your mission haha. Here are some ideas that we probably will never do because we are too nice and don't want to scare her: have everyone lift her up in a chair during district meeting and do a chant and dance around, Have Elder Kerr dress up like an Indian and run screaming into our apartment, Hna. Lillywhite and I creating completely new personalities that completely hate each other and get in a screaming match...Oh yes, training will be so fun. We pick her up on Thursday and get to do a temple session with her, have lunch with other trainers and their babies, and then head back to our area to get to work.

In other news, I got in a chalkboard-eraser fight saturday night with Elder McGary and it was super intense. Two of the Hammerly Elders' investigators got married saturday night and we went to the chapel early to set up chairs and such and then got a little distracted by possibility of a chalk fight. So, Elder McGary threw the chalk dust filled eraser at Elder Inkley and hit his sleeve, and then I, being the noble person that I am, decided to defend his honor and threw it back at McGary and hit him right in the rear end. It was ridiculously funny, until he filled the eraser with more chalk dust and then chased me throughout the chapel and then pegged me square in my rear with the eraser. All of the other missionaries were very entertained to say the least, while I was left tired and sweaty from running around and covered in chalk dust. I am so grateful that I serve with such choice missionaries, and that we can work hard yet still have fun when the time is appropriate.

Not much else is going on, The Arzate family is still way legit. They asked us for another copy of the Book of Mormon because the two kids were fighting over it. That was the coolest thing I have ever heard I think. So many people take the scriptures for granted, yet this family is reading them, studying them, and FIGHTING over them! Woooo Hoooo :) They are still all squared away to be baptized on the 11 of July, which will be a glorious, glorious day, after teaching this sweet family since my first transfer in the mission. I have witnessed just a beautiful change in them as a family as the gospel and changed and blessed them and am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a full-time missionary. There is no greater calling than that of missionary.

Hermana Taets

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